Eight limbs of yoga – 6. Dharana – Focus

The previous instalment in this series explored the fifth limb of yoga: introspection (pratyahara), that post compared our mental experience to a stream of loosely connected and often repetitive thoughts. Dharana, the sixth limb, then considers how to deal with that torrent and focus awareness elsewhere.

Eight limbs of yoga – 4. Pranayama – Breath

Coming from a western tradition, yoga’s fourth limb can be unfamiliar as it turns toward eastern mysticism. So to understand the significance of breathing, especially in Hatha yoga, it helpfs to know something about yoga’s perspective on the cosmos and the human condition.

Eight limbs of yoga – 1. Yama – Behaviour

Unlike the second limb of yoga, the Niyamas or yogic “Dos”, the Yamas define the “Don’ts”; the rules aimed at curbing our negative tendencies and keeping us “on the straight and narrow”. Between them they constitute yoga’s ethical foundation which is meant to not only facilitate positive karma, but to also help manage the energy that comes from awakening the Kundalini Shakti within.